It’s Adventure Time!

Our hugely popular camps run two to three times a year. A great way to make new friends with Squad members from all the other hubs and expand on those all important life skills around independent living. It is also a great way to experience some new events around our beautiful state that you may never have had the chance to before. Please contact your hub owner here to find out more about camps / costing / dates or keep an eye out for a newsletter letter letting you know of the upcoming adventures. Follow our our socials too for important posts about upcomng camps or take a look at our past Camp CAS photos and videos to get a sense of what you can experieince.


Join our Squad first with the link below to gain access to CAMP Cas information. Priority is given to our weekly attendees so why not come check out our weekly events too!

Supporting- Social and community living, relationships, health and well-being, daily living, lifelong learning, work, choice and control.