Skills for life.

On Thursdays members can participate in our skills based events [for 6 hours]. We aim to build on daily living skills through cooking and transport training, and support lifelong learning through educational based events such as tours and seasonal attractions. This is all achieved in a supportive environment whilst increasing social, community and civic participation.

We have a large variety of exciting events planned for the year with many of Perth’s best locations and attractions. This is a great day out especially for those members motivated by science, geography, cooking, history or scenic adventures. It’s a great way to develop those all-important skills for life alongside a great group of friends and squad leaders. Money management, healthy eating and safety in the community are some leading skills we focus on weekly but we will adapt to any individual requests to support individual plans, just let us know and we will make it happen. 

See our social media pages for an example of some of the fantastic skills developing especially with our transport training, cooking sessions and educational tours. 

Once you are an active member of CAS you will have access to your local hub calendar to pick and choose all your favorite upcoming events. There is no commitment to attend every outing as we like to give greater choice and control to our participants. Simply confirm bookings using our user friendly monthly forms.

Supporting- Social and community living, relationships, health and well-being, daily living, lifelong learning, choice and control.